
Showing posts from 2018


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PERFORMANCE BY: SIR ZULHAFIZUL OTHMAN ๐Ÿ”น Plagiarism ▪ In act of using/closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author. ▫️ Turning in someone else's work as your own ▫️ Copying ideas without giving credit ▫️ Failing to put quotation in quotation marks ▫️ Giving incorrect information about the source of quotation ▫️ Changing words but copying sentence and not giving credit ▫️ Copying so many ideas (makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not) ๐Ÿ”น How to prevent plagiarism ▫️ Consult with lecturer ▫️ Plan your paper  ▫️ Take effective notes ▫️ Cite sources  ▫️ Make it clear who said what ▫️ Know how to paraphrase ▫️ Evaluate your sources ▫️ Include a reference page ๐Ÿ”น Website to identify the plagiarism (1) turnitin (have to pay) (2) plagiarism checker ...


TAKING LECTURE NOTES BY: MADAM AIMI MUNIRAH JALILLUDDIN Before Madam Aimi started her lecture, we'd done one acrivity to determine whether we're an active listener or passive listener. It's a quiz. Madam Aimi read a passage and after that we'd to answer 5 questions at 'Kahoot' ( you can google it ). I got 4/5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ๐Ÿ”น What is note taking? ▫️ Writing down ideas from lectures in your own words ▫️ Students who do not take notes in lecture will lose information: ๐Ÿ”น Why we should take notes? ▫️ Help us to pay attention in lecture/class ▫️ Help us in study ▫️ Improve memory ▫️ Engage our senses ▫️ Organize and process data ▫️ Makes student an active part of the learning process ▫️ Valuable clue for what is important ๐Ÿ”น Key to note taking success (a) Before lecture ▫️ On time to class ▫️ Sit in front of the room: ▪will do better on t...


MEMORY LEARNING AND IMPROVING CONCENTRATION BY: SIR ZULHAFIZUL OTHMAN "Menuntut ilmu - niat harus betul, perlu berusaha, berdoa dan tawakkal dan guna ilmu ke arah kebaikan" ▪ Skills? The ability to do something well. (1) Learning Pyramid ➡️ Methods of training and retention rates Different people, different methods of the way they study. As for me, my ways of studies are discussion in a group and do more practice as practice makes perfect.  ▪  Memory vs Brain Memory ➡️ computer software Brain.     ➡️ computer hardware There are 4 categories of people: (1) Easy to memorize, hard to forget (2) Hard to memorize, easy to forget (3) Easy to memorize, easy to forget (4) Hard to memorize, hard to forget ๐Ÿ”นBrain - Brain has 2 parts which is left and right - You have to know which part is yours whether: (1) incomplete dominant left side (2) complete dominant left side (3) incomplete dominant right side (4) complete dominant right si...


GETTING TO KNOW THE CAMPUS BY: MISS AINAMARDIA NAZARUDIN 1st of August 2018, Miss Aina had shared with us the resources in UiTM Pahang, Campus Jengka. Oh, before I go further there are two campuses of UiTM Pahang which are UiTM Campus Jengka and UiTM Campus Raub.  Welcome to UiTM Jengka❤ UiTM Jengka is so big! I'm not kidding This is the map im UiTM Jengka. Actually, the distance from a place to another place is quite far (well it can't be seen from the map) I will show you a few important resources in UiTM Jengka that you should know: (1) Library Al-Bukhari 1 Library Al-Bukhari 1 is located near with main gate of UiTM. Library Al-Bukhari 1 provided many facilities. Also, atm machine of Bank Islam located here. So, if students want to withdraw their money they will come here. Library Al-Bukhari is a good place to have a group discussion since it also provide a room for discussion.  Actually, in UiTM Jengka has two libraries; Library...


TIME MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION SKILLS BY: MISS AINAMARDIA NAZARUDIN TIME ➡️ the ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work. "time management is the key to efficient working" ๐Ÿ‚ In order to have good time management, you need to have strategies: (1)  Do weekly schedule (2)  Make daily planner (3)  Semester calendar (4)  Academic vs personal life I have my own schedule to make my life more organized. ๐Ÿ’ฎ How to manage time? ๐Ÿ”นWe have to know which one is our priorities. (1) routine (2) routine (3) ASAP (4) routine (5) routine (6) rush (7) ASAP (8) ASAP (9) routine (10) ASAP ๐ŸŒผ BENEFITS OF HAVING A GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT: ➡️ Less stress ➡️ Being organized results in less rework and less mistakes  ➡️ You will not waste your precious time doing something unnecessary ➡️ You will have more leisure time  ➡️ It can mak...


GOAL SETTING BY: MISS AINAMARDIA NAZARUDIN A  goal  is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions,  plans  and commits to achieve. [1]  People endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting  deadlines . A goal is roughly similar to a  purpose  or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an  end , which is an  object , either a  physical object  or an  abstract object , that has  intrinsic value . (source: wikipedia) ~ Everyone has their own goals. So do I. But, goals is not a fairytale dream like 'I want to be a cinderella'. It is S.M.A.R.T GOALS.   What is that? S ➡️ specific M ➡️ measurable A ➡️ achievable R ➡️ realistic T ➡️ timely [ GOALS ] ๐Ÿ’ฎ Example of S.M.A.R.T GOALS : (1) Grad on time (2) Be in the Dean's List (3) Get Anugerah Naib Canselor (ANC) HOW TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS ? ๐ŸŒผ In addition, ...