Before Madam Aimi started her lecture, we'd done one acrivity to determine whether we're an active listener or passive listener. It's a quiz. Madam Aimi read a passage and after that we'd to answer 5 questions at 'Kahoot' ( you can google it ). I got 4/5.

🔹What is note taking?
▫️ Writing down ideas from lectures in your own words
▫️ Students who do not take notes in lecture will lose information:

🔹Why we should take notes?
▫️ Help us to pay attention in lecture/class
▫️ Help us in study
▫️ Improve memory
▫️ Engage our senses
▫️ Organize and process data
▫️ Makes student an active part of the learning process
▫️ Valuable clue for what is important

🔹Key to note taking success
(a) Before lecture
▫️ On time to class
▫️ Sit in front of the room:
▪will do better on test
▪harder to fall asleep
▪easy to read board in front
▪eliminate distraction
▫️ Read assigned readings before coming to class 
▫️ Make a list of questions from the readings
▫️ Review noted from previous lecture
▫️ Plan on listening 80% of the time and writing 20% of the time

(b)  During lecture
▫️ Get your pen and paper ready
▫️ Attend every class
▫️ Copy everythibg what instructor writes on the board
▫️ Be an active listener and pay attention to instructor's verbal cues
▫️ Use your own words
▫️ Write main idea
▫️ Write important details
▫️ Use abbreviations:
▫️ Watch for important signals:
▪lecturer's physical gestures (pointing, listing with fingers, facial expressions, etc)
▪listen to the lecturer's voice and note (changes in speed, changes in volume, changes in pitch)
▪listen for important remarks (and don't forget, for example, pay special attention to)

(c) After lecture
▫️ Revise and rewrite the notes
▫️ Coordinate readings and the lecture notes
▫️ Review notes (at least once a week / review before and after lecture)

🔹Methods Of Takinf Notes
(1) Cornell note taking

(2) Two column method

(3) Outlining

(4) Mapping method

(5) Charting method
▪ More than 2 columns

(6) Sentence method
▪ Use abbreviations

#Try different method to know which one suits you!


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