
Showing posts from July, 2018


TIME MANAGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION SKILLS BY: MISS AINAMARDIA NAZARUDIN TIME ➡️ the ability to use one's time effectively or productively, especially at work. "time management is the key to efficient working" 🍂 In order to have good time management, you need to have strategies: (1)  Do weekly schedule (2)  Make daily planner (3)  Semester calendar (4)  Academic vs personal life I have my own schedule to make my life more organized. 💮 How to manage time? 🔹We have to know which one is our priorities. (1) routine (2) routine (3) ASAP (4) routine (5) routine (6) rush (7) ASAP (8) ASAP (9) routine (10) ASAP 🌼 BENEFITS OF HAVING A GOOD TIME MANAGEMENT: ➡️ Less stress ➡️ Being organized results in less rework and less mistakes  ➡️ You will not waste your precious time doing something unnecessary ➡️ You will have more leisure time  ➡️ It can mak...


GOAL SETTING BY: MISS AINAMARDIA NAZARUDIN A  goal  is an idea of the future or desired result that a person or a group of people envisions,  plans  and commits to achieve. [1]  People endeavor to reach goals within a finite time by setting  deadlines . A goal is roughly similar to a  purpose  or aim, the anticipated result which guides reaction, or an  end , which is an  object , either a  physical object  or an  abstract object , that has  intrinsic value . (source: wikipedia) ~ Everyone has their own goals. So do I. But, goals is not a fairytale dream like 'I want to be a cinderella'. It is S.M.A.R.T GOALS.   What is that? S ➡️ specific M ➡️ measurable A ➡️ achievable R ➡️ realistic T ➡️ timely [ GOALS ] 💮 Example of S.M.A.R.T GOALS : (1) Grad on time (2) Be in the Dean's List (3) Get Anugerah Naib Canselor (ANC) HOW TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS ? 🌼 In addition, ...


GETTING READY TO LEARN BY: MADAM AIMI MUNIRAH JALILLUDDIN   As my age turns 18, I already left highschool life. I will enter the new phase in my life which is UNIVERSITY LIFE . So, I have to make myself ready; physically and mentally. When my feet one step in the UiTM Jengka's main gate, I have to bear in mind that I am not in school anymore .   Well, there are lots of difference between school and university life. ⭐️ UNIVERSITY ▪ You spend less time in class (more time studying outside your classroom or lecture hall). ▪ You need to read more as your lecturer would not provide any notes for you unless you copy all the notes in the slides. ▪ You have to be involved in lots of extra activities (in order to get coupons to keep stay in the college) ▪ You have to be independent because your parents are not here with you 🙄  ▪ Your lecturers would not tell you what is on the test  ⭐️ SCHOOL ▪ You spend at least half of your day at school (as I said a...


Assalamualaikum and hi! My name is Alia Atasha binti Arisucman and Tasha for short. I am from programme Diploma of Civil Engineering (EC110). My ID number is 2018417938.Diploma of Civil Engineering is my second choice actually. I am from Kelantan and this is my first time in Jengka. I've never heard about Jengka before. I have 3 siblings and I am the second one. My elder brother is 19 years old this year and he studies at UiTM Sri Iskandar in Diploma of Interior Design. Next, my younger sister is 14 years old and studies at SMK Kota at Kelantan. My dad works at JKPTG Tunjung, Kelantan as Penolong Pegawai Tanah and my beloved mom is a full time housewife. Well, I do not have much to talk about me. So I guess that's all from me. Thank you ! ❤