
Showing posts from August, 2018


ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PERFORMANCE BY: SIR ZULHAFIZUL OTHMAN ๐Ÿ”น Plagiarism ▪ In act of using/closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author. ▫️ Turning in someone else's work as your own ▫️ Copying ideas without giving credit ▫️ Failing to put quotation in quotation marks ▫️ Giving incorrect information about the source of quotation ▫️ Changing words but copying sentence and not giving credit ▫️ Copying so many ideas (makes up the majority of your work, whether you give credit or not) ๐Ÿ”น How to prevent plagiarism ▫️ Consult with lecturer ▫️ Plan your paper  ▫️ Take effective notes ▫️ Cite sources  ▫️ Make it clear who said what ▫️ Know how to paraphrase ▫️ Evaluate your sources ▫️ Include a reference page ๐Ÿ”น Website to identify the plagiarism (1) turnitin (have to pay) (2) plagiarism checker ...


TAKING LECTURE NOTES BY: MADAM AIMI MUNIRAH JALILLUDDIN Before Madam Aimi started her lecture, we'd done one acrivity to determine whether we're an active listener or passive listener. It's a quiz. Madam Aimi read a passage and after that we'd to answer 5 questions at 'Kahoot' ( you can google it ). I got 4/5. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ๐Ÿ”น What is note taking? ▫️ Writing down ideas from lectures in your own words ▫️ Students who do not take notes in lecture will lose information: ๐Ÿ”น Why we should take notes? ▫️ Help us to pay attention in lecture/class ▫️ Help us in study ▫️ Improve memory ▫️ Engage our senses ▫️ Organize and process data ▫️ Makes student an active part of the learning process ▫️ Valuable clue for what is important ๐Ÿ”น Key to note taking success (a) Before lecture ▫️ On time to class ▫️ Sit in front of the room: ▪will do better on t...


MEMORY LEARNING AND IMPROVING CONCENTRATION BY: SIR ZULHAFIZUL OTHMAN "Menuntut ilmu - niat harus betul, perlu berusaha, berdoa dan tawakkal dan guna ilmu ke arah kebaikan" ▪ Skills? The ability to do something well. (1) Learning Pyramid ➡️ Methods of training and retention rates Different people, different methods of the way they study. As for me, my ways of studies are discussion in a group and do more practice as practice makes perfect.  ▪  Memory vs Brain Memory ➡️ computer software Brain.     ➡️ computer hardware There are 4 categories of people: (1) Easy to memorize, hard to forget (2) Hard to memorize, easy to forget (3) Easy to memorize, easy to forget (4) Hard to memorize, hard to forget ๐Ÿ”นBrain - Brain has 2 parts which is left and right - You have to know which part is yours whether: (1) incomplete dominant left side (2) complete dominant left side (3) incomplete dominant right side (4) complete dominant right si...


GETTING TO KNOW THE CAMPUS BY: MISS AINAMARDIA NAZARUDIN 1st of August 2018, Miss Aina had shared with us the resources in UiTM Pahang, Campus Jengka. Oh, before I go further there are two campuses of UiTM Pahang which are UiTM Campus Jengka and UiTM Campus Raub.  Welcome to UiTM Jengka❤ UiTM Jengka is so big! I'm not kidding This is the map im UiTM Jengka. Actually, the distance from a place to another place is quite far (well it can't be seen from the map) I will show you a few important resources in UiTM Jengka that you should know: (1) Library Al-Bukhari 1 Library Al-Bukhari 1 is located near with main gate of UiTM. Library Al-Bukhari 1 provided many facilities. Also, atm machine of Bank Islam located here. So, if students want to withdraw their money they will come here. Library Al-Bukhari is a good place to have a group discussion since it also provide a room for discussion.  Actually, in UiTM Jengka has two libraries; Library...